Monday, December 15, 2008

Offensive Words

Renee's Monday Moment for Down Syndrome today was about the r word. She has posted on the topic before. Admittedly I used to use the r word all the time without even thinking about what I was really saying. After reading what Renee and others had to say I have since amended my vocabulary. So check out what she has to say, she is an awesome mom and advocate for her children.


Kristen said...

Thank you for posting!!!

Kristin said...

It is amazing how educating ourselves changes our perspectives. Before Abby was born when I heard about cleft lip/palate I always assumed "fetal alcohol syndrome." I also didn't know there was a different between lip and palate when the speech therapist in the hospital said "she's got cleft palate", I said "no she doesn't her face is just fine."

I have since learned that the term "hare lip" is offensive.
